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Reputation Management Can Make Or Break Your Business

The customer is always right even when they’re wrong. You had better believe this if you want your business to succeed. Review and ratings sites have put complete power in the hands of your customers. And it’s not just Yelp anymore, your customers can easily voice their opinion on Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor and any number […]

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Two Key Questions For Every New Restaurateur and Retailer

We’ve worked with a lot of people opening restaurants and retail businesses over the years. Through this experience, we’ve been able to zero in on a couple of things that separate the successful folks from the ones that struggle. There are exceptions to every rule, but the following has held true for the vast majority. […]

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Perception Is Reality In Branding

  Your brand is not your logo. Your brand is not what you say it is. Your brand is what your customers say it is. Branding is the art of shaping perception.  This sounds simple enough, but it’s not. Crafting the perception you desire takes research, strategy and precision execution across every form of communication and every customer […]

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