How To Build A Brand In Six Steps – Part Two
Written by Andrew Holliday | June 9, 2016
You learned about what a brand is and what the process of branding is in Part One of this series. Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty steps.
How To Build A Brand In Six Steps – Part 1
Written by Andrew Holliday | June 3, 2016
Why do people flock to Starbucks, put Apple stickers on their car or pay thousands to hear Tony Robbins? It’s not luck. It’s not just a great product. All of these examples have carefully crafted a brand that stands for something, and it pays off for them every single day.
The Five Website Killers
Written by Andrew Holliday | May 23, 2016
Most struggling websites are tortured by one of these five killers. I’ve got some good news for the folks with these ailing assets. It’s not a terminal disease. You can turn things around once you’ve identified the issue. Read through the killers, diagnose the problem and seek help.
Sweat The Small Stuff
Written by Andrew Holliday | May 4, 2016
Whoever said don’t sweat the small stuff didn’t work in the service industry. Taking care of all the little things is what keeps smiles on your clients’ faces and projects rolling in the door. Your job is to sweat the small stuff.
How To Work With Friends and Family
Written by Andrew Holliday | April 29, 2016
Helping friends and family can be a rewarding experience, but you need to be careful. Avoid the trap of treating some clients different than others. It’s a slippery slope. Don’t be tempted to give discounts and make exceptions for friends or family. You may have the best intentions when you start the project, but you’re heading toward an inevitable bad ending for everyone.
How To Build The Foundation Of Your Brand
Written by Andrew Holliday | April 22, 2016
Can everyone in your company clearly vocalize your motivating purpose as a business, differentiating benefits, ideal client, the particular aspects that separate you from your competition and overall key talking points?
Do Or Do Not
Written by Andrew Holliday | April 15, 2016
One Call Away From Disaster
Written by Andrew Holliday | April 13, 2016
Do you sell a range of services to a few big-name clients, or do you sell a few services to a lot of clients? Which do you think is the healthier option for a business?
Why Should I listen To You?
Written by Andrew Holliday | April 8, 2016
Everyone with a blog, podcast or YouTube channel wants to build an audience. Make your content worthy of being followed, liked and shared and you’ll get an audience. The variable that changes for everyone is the tone and approach used to make their content engaging.
Perfection Is The Enemy
Written by Andrew Holliday | April 4, 2016
Your blog will never have readers unless you start posting. Your YouTube channel will never have subscribers without videos. Your Instagram feed will never have followers without photos. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to start, but you can’t go anywhere until you take the first step.