Sweat The Small Stuff

Whoever said don’t sweat the small stuff didn’t work in the service industry. Taking care of all the little things is what keeps smiles on your clients’ faces and projects rolling in the door. Your job is to sweat the small stuff.


How To Work With Friends and Family

Helping friends and family can be a rewarding experience, but you need to be careful. Avoid the trap of treating some clients different than others. It’s a slippery slope. Don’t be tempted to give discounts and make exceptions for friends or family. You may have the best intentions when you start the project, but you’re heading toward an inevitable bad ending for everyone.


Do Or Do Not

Yoda doesn’t mess around. He tells it like it is.

“Do or do not; there is no try.”


One Call Away From Disaster

Do you sell a range of services to a few big-name clients, or do you sell a few services to a lot of clients? Which do you think is the healthier option for a business?