
What has complaining ever accomplished?

Nothing. Bitching brings down everyone’s spirit, including the person doing the complaining. It’s a hard habit to change. It’s much easier to point a finger when you’re angry, upset or frustrated than to accept responsibility for a situation.

Even if someone did do something wrong, you should be able to adapt and roll with the punches. Complaining about their inadequacies doesn’t do any good. A more productive solution is to turn the finger around and look at how you contributed to the issue. A hero falls on the sword.

Don’t get me wrong; this is hard as hell. Who likes being wrong? But, I advise to try it once and see the results. Accept the blame and watch the response you get. Rather than point a finger, or complain about other people, find a way to claim responsibility even if you’re not at fault. Everyone will know the facts and appreciate your willingness to take one for the team.

Accountability is my goal for this year. I want to lead by example for our team and not ever pass the buck. It’s not easy, but it’s important. I’m looking for the lessons to be learned in our setbacks.


Action steps:

  1. Stop complaining.
  2. Find the positive in a situation no matter how bad it may appear on the surface.
  3. If you’re repeatedly running into issues with clients or employees, turn the finger around and look at what you’re doing to create the problem.