
Have you ever been to a party and gotten stuck talking to the guy who won’t shut up about himself?

We all have.

The entire time you’re looking for a way to break away so you don’t have to listen to the guy go on and on about how wonderful he is any longer.

Unfortunately, a lot of businesses are that guy.

They don’t bother listening to the conversation, or contributing anything worthwhile. They’re too busy blasting out their message about how wonderful they are to listen.

Meanwhile, everyone is trying to get out of the conversation. Nobody wants anything to do with the message that’s being screamed over the music.

It’s because we’re all selfish. We don’t care what you want. We care what we want.

And we don’t want to sit and listen to how fantastic you are. This is just a simple psychological fact.

The right approach is to match your solutions with your customer’s pain points. Find out what they want.

Listen to what they’re saying. Let them lead the conversation and just respond. Be the thoughtful listener in the room.

If you entertain, inspire or teach your audience you won’t have to blabber on about yourself to draw people to your company.

Deliver value and you’ll have customers asking you for information about your company and services.

Actions Steps:

Review all of your social platforms and honestly assess if you’re that guy. If you are, stop talking about yourself and begin asking questions. Engage your customers and become a better conversationalist everywhere from an actual party to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube.