
Quality vs. Quantity is an ongoing debate. You see this war waged on a daily basis. Some people aren’t worried about how fantastic their content is; they’re more concerned about getting it out the door. To these people, the most important thing is to be in your feed every time you look at your phone. Other people will carefully curate their feed. The only communication you get is when they have something truly valuable to provide.

I’m a proponent of the quality camp. The quantity approach has worked for some people, but it usually just makes you look like a spammer. I’ll take two truly engaged readers over 100 empty “followers” every time. Engaged readers become clients. Engaged readers become partners. Engaged readers deliver value back to you.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying it’s bad to have a huge community. A gigantic (and engaged) community is the ideal scenario. I’m simply stating that the depth of your conversations is more important than the number of conversations you have. I can say hello to 1,000 strangers, but one deep conversation with a potential client is much more beneficial to both of us.

So, stop obsessing about the number of followers you have. Quit pumping out posts just to get something out each day. Focus instead on producing truly valuable content. Only put something out when you have content worth hearing/seeing. Maybe you can pump out badass content on a daily basis, or maybe you only have something to share twice a month.

Bottom line, listen more and speak less. People tend to pay attention if all of your content delivers valuable pearls of wisdom.

Action Steps:

Become a curator of your feeds. Don’t be afraid to skip a day if a post doesn’t feel right. Perfection doesn’t exist, but mediocrity isn’t doing anything for you.