
There are a lot of variables that go into building a successful service business. You need a strong team, repeatable systems and obviously you have to deliver a quality product. However, one of the unexpected variables that has made Daniel and I successful is drinking beer. 

As silly as it sounds, beer has opened a lot of doors for us over the course of ten years. I can honestly say that we wouldn’t be where we are today without beer. But, it’s not just aimlessly drinking beer that got us here. It’s utilizing the act of grabbing a beer to build relationships with people.

We’ve built genuine friendships with employees, clients and vendors. Key word in that sentence being genuine. These relationships have transcended job transfers, generated referrals and landed us work in multiple spots.

I’m not saying to go out and start pounding beer and expect the work to pour in tomorrow. I’m encouraging you to keep your head up for that opportunity to deepen a relationship. It may not be over a beer for you. Your strengths may be something completely different (Daniel and I happen to be really good at drinking beer).

The key is to capitalize on your strengths. Even if you’re an introvert and these interactions are a struggle. Force yourself to break out of your shell. If your clients and vendors have an emotional connection to you it will generate work, referrals and job security.

Action Step:

  1. Engage your employer, a client or vendor today to deepen a relationship.
  2. Give us a call for a beer. We’re open and always game for a beverage.